flexibeast.space - poetry

Some of my poetry. i don't claim it's good, but it usually says what i want it to say.

“Keep your head down”

“You must be more resilient”

“‘This is just ...’”

“The branch broke”

“You didn't try to know”

“They shuffle forward, an ashen line to nowhere”

“So often a Canary”

“There is no escape”

“But then i realised”

“Too much Fabulous, too much”

“i am an acceptable collateral loss”

“You broke that twig”

“You are so sure

“Darkness is quiet; i feel it”

“You are SO à la mode”

“i don't trust you”

“Where were you”

“i will be third against the wall”

“i am not enough”

“Obstacles surrounding”

“Does my voice count”

“i am a woman, i am a man”

“Trans bodies are terrain”

“They're dead”

“The world is turned up to 11”

“‘In person’, i am less”

“Warm welcoming space”

“Currents in currents”

“Night is a balm”

“You only want change where you don't”
