flexibeast.space - poetry

“i will be third against the wall”

i will be third against the wall
When The Revolution Comes.

Not the first, but
the Robespierre Terror will
surely have its way with me.

They will say:
"All power to the party, all power to the state!"
But i, i desire autonomy,
And so, of me, they will cry:
"Death to the Makhnovist bandit!"

They will say:
"No gods, no masters!"
But i, i am spiritual, i am a domme,
And so, of me, they will cry:
"Death to the advocate of illusion and hierarchy!"

They will say:
"Abolish gender, abolish identity!"
But i, i have gender, i am me,  
And so, of me, they will cry:
"You will be assimilated."

i am neurodivergent.
i am queer.
i am a woman.
i am trans.
i am disabled.
i am genderqueer.

But more than any of those things, i am
clearly counterrevolutionary.

And so i must die,
and thus will society be cleansed,
and The Revolution will be kept pure.

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