flexibeast.space - miscellaneous

Unix command timeline

Selected commands, together with occasional contextual notes.

1st Edition Unix (November 1971)

  • ar
  • as
  • cal
  • cat
  • chdir
  • chmod
  • chown
  • cmp
  • cp
  • date
  • dc
  • df
  • du
  • ed
  • find
  • init
  • ld
  • ln
  • ls
  • mail
  • mkdir
  • mkfs
  • mount
  • mv
  • nm
  • od
  • pr
  • rm
  • rmdir
  • roff
  • sh (Thompson shell)
  • sort
  • stat
  • strip
  • su
  • umount
  • wc
  • Also, precursors of fsck and reboot.

    2nd Edition Unix (June 1972)

    (10 installations, "with more expected".)

    Also crypt(3).

    4th Edition (November 1973)

  • comm
  • file
  • grep
  • nice
  • nohup
  • sleep
  • sync
  • tr
  • wait
  • Also printf(3).

    The manual was formatted with troff for the first time.

    5th Edition (June 1974)

  • dd
  • diff
  • eqn
  • lpd
  • lpr
  • pwd
  • tee
  • Also introduced the sticky bit.

    6th Edition / Version 6 Unix (May 1975)

  • bc
  • chgrp
  • cron
  • newgrp
  • tbl
  • units
  • 1BSD (March 1978)

  • ex (Bill Joy, 1977)
  • expand
  • fold
  • head
  • soelim
  • 7th Edition / Version 7 Unix (January 1979)

  • at
  • awk
  • basename
  • diff3
  • expr
  • join
  • lex
  • lint
  • make
  • pcc
  • sed
  • sh
  • tail
  • tar (replacing tp)
  • test
  • touch
  • Also man(7).

    2BSD (April 1979)

    3BSD (December 1979)

    4BSD (November 1980)

    4.1BSD (June 1981)

    4.2BSD (August 1983)

  • ftpd
  • netstat
  • telnetd
  • tftpd
  • 8th Edition / Version 8 Unix (February 1985)

  • cut
  • ksh
  • seq
  • telnet
  • vi
  • 4.3BSD (June 1986)

  • inetd
  • ping
  • syslogd
  • 4.3BSD-Tahoe (June 1988)

  • fstat
  • System V Release 4 (October 1988)

    4.3BSD-Reno (July 1990)

  • column
  • m4
  • 4.4BSD (June 1993)

    -Encumbered, June 1993; -Lite, March 1994; -Lite Release 2, 1995.

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